34th Asian Credit Supplementation Institution Confederation (ACSIC) Conference
Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad (CGC) participated in the 34th Asian Credit Supplementation Institution Confederation (ACSIC) Conference at Inter Burgo Hotel, Daegu, South Korea from 8 November to 11 November 2022. 16 organisations from 12 member countries of ACSIC took part in this year's conference. CGC Chairman, Dato’ Mohammed Hussein and President/Chief Executive Officer, Datuk Mohd Zamree Mohd Ishak attended the 3 days conference hosted by Korea Credit Guarantee Fund (KODIT). Dato’ Mohammed Hussein and Datuk Mohd Zamree also attended the Chief Delegates’ Meeting which among others discussed strategic partnerships in promoting the sound development of credit supplementation systems for MSMEs. Themed ‘The Great Journey: How to Enhance SME Financing for Resilient and Sustainable Growth’, the conference discussed the future and development strategy for SME financing to ensure resilience and sustainable growth in the post-COVID era. Datuk Mohd Zamree made a presentation titled ‘CONGRUENCE. Meeting MSMEs' Needs; Enhancing Internal Capabilities’ at the conference.