Definition of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)

Sectors Micro Small Medium
Manufacturing Annual Sales Turnover is less than RM300,000
Number of Full Time Employees is less than 5
Annual Sales Turnover is from RM300,000 to less than RM15 million
Number of Full Time Employees is from 5 to less than 75
Annual Sales Turnover is from RM15 million to less than RM50 million
Number of Full Time Employees is from 75 to less than 200
Services and Other Sectors Annual Sales Turnover is less than RM300,000
Number of Full Time Employees is less than 5
Annual Sales Turnover from RM300,000 to less than RM3 million
Number of Full Time Employees is from 5 to less than 30
Annual Sales Turnover is from RM3 million to less than RM20 million
Number of Full Time Employees from 30 to less than 75


If a business fulfills either one criteria across the different sizes of operation, then the smaller size will be applicable. For example, if a firm’s sales turnover falls under microenterprise but employment falls under small, the business will be deemed as a microenterprise.


The following businesses will not be deemed as SMEs and also do not qualify for Government assistance:

  1. Public-listed companies in the main board such as Bursa Malaysia or main bourses in other countries.
  2. Subsidiaries of the following entities:
    1. Public-listed companies in the main board.
    2. Large firms, multinational corporations (MNCs), Governmentlinked companies (GLCs), Syarikat Menteri Kewangan Diperbadankan (MKDs) and State-owned enterprises.