CGC Tech Day
CGC Technology Day was held at Bangunan CGC on Tuesday 5 November 2019. The session started with rounds of online games participated by over 500 staff from HQ and branches. The winners were prized with a Touch & Go e-Wallet voucher, to encourage the adoption of digital technology. The session held talks by: 1) Suhaimi Bin Ali, Director, Financial Development and Innovation, Bank Negara Malaysia, who spoke on ‘Innovation within Financial Services and the Regulatory Impact’ 2) Chan Zhong yang, Assistant General Manager, Securities Commission Malaysia, who spoke on ‘Digitisation of the Malaysian Capital Market’ 3) Jun Fwu Chin, Research Director of IDC Market Research who spoke on 'Key Technology Themes in 2020 for Financial Institutions: Digital Transformations & Emerging Technologies' 4) Dr. Dzaharudin Mansor, National Technology Officer, Microsoft Malaysia, who spoke on ‘Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Big Data Trends’