Sesi Bersama Industri Event
CGC Director Teoh Kok Lin was invited to give a talk to the final year students of Universiti Kuala Lumpur Malaysia France Institute at Bangi, Selangor on Wednesday, 10 October 2018. The “Sesi Bersama Industri” event was held in conjunction with the Program Latihan Industri Perpaduan (PLIP). In his talk, Teoh stressed the importance of continuous knowledge and skills development. The students were introduced to imSME, Malaysia’s 1st SME Financing/Loan Referral Platform. PLIP enables soon-to-graduate students to undertake industrial training in Government-Linked Companies and Business Chambers. The concept was mooted and implemented by the Department of National Unity and Integration together with Malaysia Retail Chain Association and The Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Malaysia in 2014.