Go Digital Talk at CGC HQ
Full House at CGC Go Digital Talk! Rain or shine, no show stoppers for over 200 SMEs as they attended the ‘Go Digital Talk' workshop at CGC headquarter on Thursday 15 November 2018. Featuring speakers from Alibaba.com and Shopee, the workshop shared tips and best practices for successful online marketing and digital sales. SMEs were appreciative of the opportunity to sign up for online market access with Shopee and Alibaba.com. There was also the e-TRADE grant application by Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation, free consultation on SME credit scoring by Credit Bureau Malaysia Sdn Bhd and instant financing/loan application via imSME, Malaysia’s 1st SME Financing/Loan Referral Platform. Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation, our strategic partner for Go Digital Talk workshop was represented by Song Hock Koon, Director of eCommerce.