CGC Merdeka Midnight Rugby Meet 2018
CGC in collaboration with Ministry of Communications and Multimedia and Home of Warriors Rugby Club (H.O.W.) organised "CGC Merdeka Midnight Rugby Meet 2018", our first corporate responsibility via a sporting event. Alumni members from 10 prestigious schools competed in this tournament. This rugby tournament for veterans (above 35) was played at night for a change. CGC believes in giving back to the community, this time we are lending our support to our rugby players. We believe in the true spirit of Merdeka @ CGC. Cup Champion : KE Vets Runner-up : SDAR Vets Plate Champion : KKB Vets Runner-up : OPA Vets Bowl Champion : VI Vets Runner-up : SAJOHA Vets Shield Champion : MCOBA Vets Runner-up : HOW Spoon Champion : Alspen Vets Runner-up : SMSOB Vets