BizWanita-i is a direct financing scheme to cater specifically for women entrepreneurs that business is less than 4 years in operations utilising the BNM’s Fund for SMEs – All Economic Sectors (AES) Facility.
The funds are designed to facilitate greater access to financing for viable SMEs.
Purpose of Financing
- Working capital; and/or
- Asset acquisition (i.e. purchase of machinery, purchase of equipment and business premises renovation).
Financing should not be used for:
- Purchase of shares;
- Refinancing of existing credit/financing facilities;
- Purchase of land/real estate investment;
- Property development;
- Investment by investment holding companies;
- Activities where the stock in trade is money (including credit, leasing, factoring and insurance businesses);
- Gambling, alcohol, tobacco or other similar activities/products; and
- Non-Shariah compliant activities.
Eligibility Criteria
- Meet the SME Corporation Malaysia’s definition of an SME (for details, please click here);
- Must be a Malaysian-controlled and Malaysian-owned (at least 51% shareholding) company or business and must reside in Malaysia;
- Company or business of which at least 51% shareholding is owned by a woman/ women and the key person is a woman at point of application;
- Business has been registered and/ or in operations for less than 4 years;
- Key person/ successor’s age must be at least 21 years old at the point of application and maximum of 65 years old upon full settlement;
- Business is registered with Companies Commission of Malaysia (SSM); or authorities/district offices in Sabah and Sarawak; or statutory bodies for professional service providers;
- Shareholding by Public Listed Companies and Government Linked Companies (if any) in the SMEs shall not exceed 20%.
Financing Amount
- Minimum : RM30,000
- Maximum : RM300,000
Type of Facility
- Term Financing
Financing Rate
Effective Profit Rate: 6.80% p.a.
Financing Tenure
- Up to 5 years
Application Procedures
- Application form is available at all CGC’s branches or Click here to download Application Form.
- The complete application form together with all supporting documents can be submitted to any CGC branches.